Sometimes I'm wondering if I'm doing this for the right reasons. Originally when we decided we were "it" for each other we were thinking about getting married the two of us. Have a very special day just for us. Then eventually, we'd throw a party celebrating this. That was in March 2007.
In December 2007 I was diagnosed with a thyroid disease. I was so sick all I did was sleep and shatter my teeth for two months. During that period my Darling found out that that lump everyone had thought was a cartilage lump due to some heavy blow, was in fact a cancerous tumour. 2008 didn't have a good start. All thoughts of getting married went out the window.
We have since the battled our diseases. Darling is pronounced healthy again and I'm finally doing well enough to think about such things, but it took us a few years to get here. Since especially I still have issues with health I decided that we perhaps should have a wedding and a party together. I'd love to have a "just us" moment, but the thing is that we might never get around to having the party if we do that. We have so much to celebrate. Life, the fact that we managed to somehow have a child despite the odds and our love. I'd like to think those are good reasons to involve friends and family in the wedding itself, not just for a party.
I still think about the idea to marry beforehand and just have the announcement and party on that day. On the other hand, I'm really trying to keep this simple and down to earth so I'll survive something like this.
I think I'm going to tell him I love him right now.
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