20 Jun 2011

Spending money

So today I got most if the things I still haven't bought which we need aside from the IKEA stuff.

  • iron thread - for hanging the glass jars
  • brick layer thread - for hanging fiesta bunting and balloons
  • globe party lights
  • wash line - for the ceremony and lounge
  • schnapps glasses
  • coffee cups
  • gunny thread - for the name tags on the glasses
  • plastic tablecloths
  • paper runners
  • plastic forks
Still to go are
  • teaspoons
  • bamboo torches
  • plastic taps
I'm going to get the torches and teaspoons tomorrow and I'll order the taps next week. The first weekend of July I hope we can go to IKEA and get the stuff we need there.

This week we'll finish the cleaning of jars, making dahlia flowers and cutting the bunting. I'll be cocking some more gumbo of course. After the IKEA trip I'll need to sew the flag bunting and the blankets - and continue with the cooking. By the end of July I want everything do be finished, the DIY and the preparation cooking, so there's nothing hanging over my head. I'll need to be able to just clean and put everything up the last week before the big day. I want this to be a good time for everyone and I want to be able to enjoy it.

But oh, am I going to scare the teenagers doing the waiting? Yes I will. But it's not that bad. It's all a rather laid back affair and we could have pulled it off without the 4 or 5 teens we now have. They should be able to handle this without any problem at all. After all, we'll probably only be just over 40 in total without the teens.

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